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Donation Pickup Services

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Priority Pickup

  • Pickups within 48 hours.

  • Any and all items accepted! All eligible items are donated while remaining items are ethically disposed of.

  • Item retrieval from anywhere including within residence or a storage unit.

  • Disassembly of items that need it (except doors, cabinets, or lighting).

  • Fee reflects the operating costs and is much smaller than a usual moving company or junk hauler fee. (fee is not tax deductible)


SVDP Dubuque_Logo

Regular Pickup

  • Your pickups will be scheduled when our truck is available. Usually ~ 2 weeks out.

  • We can only accept items we can resell at our store or use at our voucher center and food pantry. 

  • We request if possible, that all items are either outside the home or in a garage to be picked up.

  • We request if possible, that all items are already disassembled.

  • No associated cost. Donations always welcome.

We encourage you to continue supporting SVDP Dubuque with ReSupply's Priority Pickup Service, as donors provide critical donations to our mission.

Thank you for your endless generosity and support, we are grateful for you!